When Isaac’s wife Rebekah was pregnant with twins, she
became concerned because the babies were struggling with each other in the
womb. So Rebekah inquired of the Lord.
“And the Lord said to
her: Two nations are in your womb; two people will come from you and be
separated. One people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve
the younger.” – Genesis 25:23, Holman
Her two sons represented two nations engaged in a cosmic
struggle. Esau was born first and then Jacob came out grasping Esau’s heel. As
the firstborn, Esau was first in line to inherit God’s promise given to his
grandfather Abraham and then his father Isaac:
“The Lord said to
Abram: Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the
land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless
you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless
those who bless you, I will curse those who treat you with contempt, and all
the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” – Genesis 12:1-3, Holman
From Abraham would come the nation of Israel and Jesus the
Messiah, the savior of all mankind, who will return to rid the world of evil
and establish a righteous kingdom on earth. Being the vehicle through whom God
saves the world is a magnificent inheritance!
However, Esau was not interested. After returning from a
hunt, Esau was exhausted and hungry and wanted some of the lentil stew that
Jacob had cooked. Jacob asked him to sell his birthright in exchange and Esau
agreed. “So Esau despised his birthright.”
Genesis 25:34
That seemingly small incident has echoed through history.
Esau came to represent people who do not value the promises of God for an
eternal inheritance. For them, this world is enough. They are satisfied with this
life’s fleeting pleasures – money, sensuality, power, fame, even a bowl of stew.
They willingly trade the eternal for the temporal.
Jacob, on the other hand, wanted a spiritual inheritance. Jacob
represents the people who value the promises of God for an eternal inheritance.
They trust and worship God, knowing there is life and reward beyond our existence
on earth:
“By faith Abraham,
when he was called, obeyed and went out to a place he was going to receive as
an inheritance. He went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he stayed
as a foreigner in the land of promise, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob,
coheirs of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has
foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” – Hebrews 11:8-10
The struggle between Jacob and Esau that began in the womb has
continued through history. This is the perpetual conflict between God’s chosen nation,
the spiritual Israel, and the worldly kingdoms that arise to oppose it.
Esau was the founder of the nation Edom and his grandson
Amalek founded the Amalekites. The Amalekites were the first nation that
attacked Israel after God brought them out of Egypt, but were defeated by God’s
hand under the leadership of Moses and Joshua. Edom refused Israel safe passage
through its territory on threat of war.
King David defeated and thoroughly subjugated Edom and
placed garrisons throughout the territory. However, when David’s son King
Solomon fell into idolatry later in life, God raised up the Edomite Hadad to
harass the kingdom of Israel.
When Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon as a judgment for its
rebellion against God, the Scriptures record that Edom cheered:
“Remember, Lord, what
the Edomites said that day at Jerusalem: ‘Destroy it! Destroy it down to its
foundations!’” – Psalm 137:7
This was a fulfillment of the prophecy in Obadiah, which was
spoken to Edom (Esau):
"You will be
covered with shame and destroyed forever because of violence done to your
brother Jacob. On the day you stood aloof, on the day strangers captured his
wealth, while foreigners entered his gate and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were
just like one of them." – Obadiah 1:10-11
In the story of Esther, Haman tricks King Ahaseurus of
Persia into signing an edict to destroy all the Jews living in his kingdom.
Queen Esther, who happened to be Jewish, exposed Haman’s plot and persuaded the
king to sign a counter-edict that allowed the Jews to defend themselves on the appointed
day of attack. In the end, the Jews prevailed over their enemies and Haman was
put to death. Haman is identified in the story as an “Agagite.” The only other
reference to the name Agag the Bible is to an Amalekite king. In other words,
Haman, who tried to kill all the Jews in Persia, was a descendant of Amalek,
grandson of Esau. Thus the back-and-forth struggle between Jacob and Esau continued.
Romulus, the founder of Rome, was also descended from Esau
according to Jewish tradition. The legend of Rome’s founding tells a story of
the twin brothers Romulus and Remus who were abandoned on the river Tiber,
suckled by a she-wolf and then raised by a shepherd’s family. Later, they established
the city of Rome, but quarreled, and Romulus killed Remus. Does this theme
sound familiar? Twin boys quarreling, one wanting to kill the other? Notice
also the similarity to Moses who was abandoned on a river in Egypt.
The Roman Empire grew over centuries and eventually seized
control of Israel in the time before Christ. Esau had gained the upper hand. The
Roman general and emperor Titus, also descended from Esau according to the
Talmud, destroyed Jerusalem and the second temple in 70 AD, which was a second
fulfillment of the prophecy in Obadiah above.
More than two centuries later, the Roman Emperor Constantine
supposedly converted to Christianity and made it the official religion of Rome.
Thus began the unholy mix of worldly power and religious authority that entered
into the Roman Catholic Church. It carried on Rome’s spirit of empire through wars
and conquests over the centuries – the Crusades, the Inquisition, etc. The
Roman Catholic Church is actually a pagan religion and political empire beneath
a veneer of Christianity. That’s why we see reports from around the world of the Catholic
priesthood’s massive-scale pedophilia, homosexuality, abuse of nuns and
occultism. It is a false mimic of Christ’s Church designed to lead people away
from Him. But it is still Rome; it is still Esau.
Today the spirit of empire and opposition to God’s kingdom
operates quietly and secretly from the scenes in the Catholic Church. I believe
the Vatican is the prophetic second beast of Revelation and the Pope is the
false prophet:
"Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; he had two horns like a lamb, but he sounded like a dragon." - Revelation 13: 11
The beast looks like a lamb (Jesus is the Lamb of God), but speaks like a dragon (Satan).
The Vatican is also the primary force advocating for the division of the Holy Land through the UN and various peoples and nations. It wants to take control of the Old City of Jerusalem and move the Vatican there, making Jerusalem the religious capital of the New World Order, which is the beast kingdom described in Revelation.
"Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; he had two horns like a lamb, but he sounded like a dragon." - Revelation 13: 11
The beast looks like a lamb (Jesus is the Lamb of God), but speaks like a dragon (Satan).
The Vatican is also the primary force advocating for the division of the Holy Land through the UN and various peoples and nations. It wants to take control of the Old City of Jerusalem and move the Vatican there, making Jerusalem the religious capital of the New World Order, which is the beast kingdom described in Revelation.
The Vatican will enforce the mark of the beast and worshiping
of the image of the beast. Those who comply will never be able to repent and
will go into the lake of fire.
When Jesus Christ returns, He will lead the armies of heaven
to defeat the beast, the false prophet and the earthly armies that oppose Him:
“Then I saw the beast,
the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to wage war against
the rider on the horse and against His army. But the beast was taken prisoner,
and along with him the false prophet, who had performed the signs in his presence.
He deceived those who accepted the mark of the beast and those who worshiped
his image with these signs. Both of them were thrown alive into the lake of
fire that burns with sulfur. The rest were killed with the sword that came from
the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their
flesh.” – Revelation 19:19-21
In this way, Jesus will bring righteousness and peace to the
earth and establish His rule from Jerusalem. Jacob will ultimately prevail over
Everyone in the world is either a Jacob or an Esau. This is
our choice. A Jacob trusts God for an eternal inheritance in His Son Jesus
Christ, but an Esau believes only in what this world has to offer.
“‘I have loved you,’
says the Lord. But you ask: ‘How have You loved us?’ ‘Wasn’t Esau Jacob’s
brother?’ This is the Lord’s declaration. ‘Even so, I loved Jacob, but I hated
Esau. I turned his mountains into a wasteland, and gave his inheritance to the
desert jackals.’” – Malachi 1:1-3