this, I will pour out my Spirit on all humanity. Your sons and
daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men
will see visions;
and also on male and female slaves in those days I will pour out my Spirit." - Joel 2:28-29
The following dream is from my 10-year old daughter, who is the dreamer in our household. It was on the night of September 10, 2017.
"I saw a huge pit. It looked as if a meteor had struck to
make the hole. There was a huge chain fence and brick wall all around the pit.
Inside were people who seemed like prisoners. I could tell they were Christians
because one of them muttered that the music one of the guards was playing wasn’t
Christian. They were doing work - carrying boxes and setting them on shelves. They
seemed brainwashed or like they didn’t really understand the situation they
were in.
All of a sudden, four helicopters appeared bringing more people to this facility. The people were like the others – Christians who didn’t understand the situation at all.
All of a sudden, four helicopters appeared bringing more people to this facility. The people were like the others – Christians who didn’t understand the situation at all.
Then Donald Trump came out of the lead helicopter and pushed the rest of the people inside and locked the door. He was dancing around and laughing and smiling at what had happened, like it was the best thing ever. He seemed like he was drunk. It was weird. I think he was possessed by a demon. He danced back to his helicopter.
Then the helicopters took off. As he was leaving, Donald Trump looked over the site and had an evil smirk on his face.
Guards stood around the whole prison."
I think the dream speaks for itself. The main point is: Donald Trump is leading Christians in America into captivity.