Showing posts with label Judgment on America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judgment on America. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Civil War - Repost


(This article was originally posted on June 27, 2018.)

Appended below are two articles from early 2017 about the civil war and conflict coming to America.

I am re-posting them because the alternative media and blogosphere recently started proclaiming how America is heading into a civil war with the political left pitted against the right. For example: 

America is Now in a Civil War (Infowars)
Historian Links Current Political Environment to Pre-Civil War (Newswars)
GOP Congressman Warns Nation Headed to Civil War (Canada Free Press) 
Dear America, the Left Has Declared War on You (Hal Turner Radio Show)

Whether the civil war will be sparked by recent events or something yet to happen, I don't know, but please understand the conflict will have no winners. As I explained in the articles, it will be a judgment from God for all of the unrepentant bloodshed, idolatry and immorality committed by this nation. The only thing that ever could have saved our nation is repentance before a holy God, but this has not happened. Deliverance will certainly NOT come from politics or violence.

So don't participate in the hatred and violence being stirred up in the nation. It will achieve nothing, except to bring further judgment on yourself. 



On the evening before the presidential inauguration, Donald Trump and his family stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial while U.S. marines sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic. The song originated during the Civil War, and Lincoln was president during the Civil War and was assassinated near the end of it.

The scene was very foreboding. I'll explain why. 

I see two strongly held beliefs in the Christian community, each backed with prophetic dreams, visions and words:

1) Trump is God’s chosen man to restore traditional America and give it a reprieve - MAJORITY VIEW.
2) Trump is not what he says he is and is part of God’s judgment on America - MINORITY VIEW

They can’t both be true. God is not the author of confusion and is not going to send two mixed, contradictory messages. One or the other is a deception. Full disclosure: I am in the second camp.

When the prophecy from Mark Taylor came out earlier last year about Trump being God's chosen man to restore America, I had recently read Jeremiah 28 about the false prophet Hananiah. He claimed God would throw off the yoke of Babylon and make Judah great again, even though God had declared judgment against the nation. The Lord impressed on my heart that I was witnessing the same kind of false prophecy today. America is under judgment for its wickedness, and God is not going to give the nation a reprieve unless it REPENTS, which I see no evidence for. On the contrary, the calamities of judgment will be the means He uses to move some hearts to repentance. Judgment is a mercy, lest even more souls fall into hell.

A couple weeks ago I was up late praying and seeking insight about the times we are in and also about Obama and Trump and their roles in it. The next morning my 9-year-old daughter came in my office and showed me Judges 9, specifically Jotham’s parable of the trees, because she felt like God wanted to show her something there. I think the Lord did have a message for her, but it was also an answer to my prayer. The Lord brought Judges 9 and the story of Abimelech to my wife and I's attention several times recently, but we never really understood the significance of it. Then it hit me that story is a prophetic metaphor for America. Since Abimelech and the men of Shechem committed murder and wickedness, God allowed a spirit of conflict to arise that would divide the nation and provoke a form of civil war -- as a divine judgment.

Barack Obama is represented by King Abimelech. Another character arises named Gaal son of Ebed, who stirs up the men of Shechem against Abimelech, and who I believe represents Donald Trump:

"Now Gaal the son of Ebed came with his relatives, and crossed over into Shechem; and the men of Shechem put their trust in him." - Judges 9:26

There was much bloodshed and many died in the ensuing battles, which again was God's intended judgment for their wickedness. In the end Abimelech gets a fatal head wound from a millstone dropped on him. This is very interesting in light of this description of the beast in Revelation 13:

“I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.” – Revelation 13:3

Like Gaal, the purpose of Trump is to stir up half the country, and especially the Christians, against the other half who follow Obama and his agenda. I believe a civil conflict/war is coming. Trump is probably going to be a scapegoat for the economic collapse, jihad attacks, etc., and that blame will be transferred onto the far right and especially onto Christians, which is exactly what Obama wants and could set him up for a return to power.

MANY people believe martial law coming to this nation at some point. Let me make a speculation: It won't be Obama who instigates martial law, but it will be Donald Trump in response to some catastrophe like a jihad attack. 90% of Christians will love it and want it and cheer for it because it's Trump. Except in the end it will be turned against them.

That same morning my daughter also flipped open to a page in her Bible that she thought was significant too. There was an illustration that showed the writing on the wall for Belshazzar in Daniel 5. That really spoke to me because twice already I felt the Lord impress on me that Trump will meet an untimely demise:

“Now this is the inscription that was written out: ‘MENĒ, MENĒ, TEKĒL, UPHARSIN.’ This is the interpretation of the message: ‘MENĒ’—God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it. ‘TEKĒL’—you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient. ‘PERĒS’—your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians… That same night Belshazzar the Chaldean king was slain.” – Daniel 5:25-28,30

Last week before the inauguration we asked the Lord directly whether Obama will stay in office. Because I did not think Trump would actually reach the White House in light of who Obama is and his agenda. [NOTE: It is really challenging to interpret prophecy. I find the Lord will give some specifics about WHAT is coming but does not say much about HOW and WHEN. Sometimes I make assumptions and get emotionally attached to particular interpretations that may not turn out accurate. We have to keep seeking him and walking by faith!]

The first word He brought up was "circumference." Interesting because I had recently taught my daughter how to measure the circumference of a circle. You start at one point, go all the way around and end where you began. In other words, you go full circle and back to where you started. The question was whether Obama will stay in office, and the answer was something like "full circle."

Other words that came up were "claim" (to presidency or reins of power?) and "clash" (over competing claims to power?). Sounds like the story of Abimelech.

Before that my daughter saw something significant from our back window. She watched a large bird of prey, which she later identified as a golden eagle, holding a snake. Golden eagles are rare around here, but I have seen them before in the winter. A second golden eagle tried to take the snake and a struggle ensued. In the end, the eagle who first held the snake flew away with it triumphantly.

One more note. My interpretation of other words we received (shadow, dissimulate, distract) was that Obama still holds reins of power by controlling a shadow government. He and the globalists have spent the last 8 years installing their players in the CIA, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, FBI, etc. In fact, this country has been controlled by elites - the shadow government, the military-industrial complex, the deep state, whatever you want to call it - for decades. The last president that directly challenged the shadow government was John F. Kennedy when he denied the CIA's demand for air cover during the Bay of Pigs invasion, which would have led to re-invading Cuba and potentially war with the Soviet Union. Kennedy said no and then tried to tear apart the CIA. Everyone knows what happened to Kennedy in the end. The CIA, Lyndon Johnson and other members of government were behind it. It was a coup d'etat.

My point is don't be fooled into thinking Trump controls the executive branch of government. No president does fully anymore. But particularly now, the shadow government is running the globalists' New World Order agenda. Obama may have left office, but he still has power.

My warning to everyone is don't get caught up in the coming conflict. Be careful who you follow. It should only be Jesus Christ.


In the post Civil War Foreboding, I wrote about how the Lord showed me that He will allow a spirit of conflict to arise in America that will provoke a form of civil war. This will be a judgment on our nation. Donald Trump's role is to stir up half the country against the other half, led by Obama and other globalist forces from behind the scenes. This won't be a classic civil war with "union forces" opposing "confederates" on the battlefield. In my opinion, it will probably consist of numerous chaotic civil uprisings, insurgencies and disasters that are quelled by martial law. The divisions will occur along a variety of lines: Left vs Right, Globalist vs Nationalist, Black vs White, Citizens vs Immigrants, Jihadis vs Non-Muslims, State Governments vs Federal, etc.


I also shared why I believe the Lord showed me Obama still holds reins of power by controlling a shadow government. Since that post was published in January, the news has been inundated with stories about Obama's "shadow government" and the "deep state" opposing Trump's agenda:

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency (NY Post)
Obama has an army of 30,000 agitators organized through a network of leftist nonprofits who will fight Trump's agenda. Obama did not leave Washington DC, but still lives in a mansion less than two miles from the White House. 

Insiders: Obama Holdover 'Shadow Government' Plotting to Undermine Trump (Breitbart)
Several intelligence insiders say a shadow government of Obama holdovers are leaking information to derail Trump's presidency, with National Security Advisor Mike Flynn as their first great success.

Spies Keep Intelligence from Donald Trump on Leak Concerns (Wall Street Journal)
Current and former officials say US intelligence officers are withholding information from President Trump.

Glenn Greenwald: What The 'Deep State' Is Doing To Trump Is A Prescription For Destroying Democracy' (Townhall) 

While these articles just skim the surface of what is really happening, isn't it amazing that suddenly the "conspiratorial" idea of a shadow government is all over the mainstream media? Praise God, He revealed it.

Blood for Blood

And He recently revealed more. On Sunday my wife and I were having a quiet time and the Lord let us to Numbers 35, which is about manslaughter, blood avengers and cities of refuge. In particular this verse was highlighted:

Do not defile the land where you are, for bloodshed defiles the land, and there can be no atonement for the land because of the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of the person who shed it.” – Numbers 35:33, Holman Bible

The heavy and sobering message we received is that God is going to atone for the blood shed by Americans by shedding their own blood. In this way He will cleanse the land.

Think of the 60 million babies killed by abortion, the untold millions killed and harmed by US foreign wars and interventions, the casualties of the CIA-run drug trade, the human trafficking and child sexual abuse and ritual sacrifice especially among the elites in our society. The blood of the innocent has not simply washed away. It cries out from the ground, just like Abel's blood after Cain slew him. Unless we individually have repented and are covered by the blood of Jesus, it will be blood for blood. God will re-balance the skewed scales of justice in America. 

"For He will avenge the blood of His servants. He will take vengeance on His adversaries; He will purify His land and His people." - Deuteronomy 32:43, Holman Bible 

This judgment will fall on all levels of society. Even the elites who think they are above accountability for the crimes they perpetuate in the world will receive their due. Think of the politicians and government leaders, corrupt corporate and banking chiefs, secret society power brokers. No one is above God's reach.

One hundred and fifty years ago America had a president who understood and acknowledged the scales of God's justice, even this aspect of blood for blood. Abraham Lincoln, at his second inaugural address in the midst of the Civil War, spoke these words to the nation: 

"Fondly do we hope -- fervently do we pray -- that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether." - Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, 1865 

Lincoln understood that the bloodshed of the Civil War was in part a divine retribution for the bloodshed of slavery. And he spoke it to the nation!

Yet if I spoke the words in this article to most churches, what do you think would be the response? I can tell you because I have already tried. Last year I contacted about 35 churches in my area about judgment. I wanted to know if church leaders understood God's judgment of America had begun and what they were doing preparing their flocks for the coming storm. Most ignored me. A few responded to disagree. One associate pastor conceded that judgment of America is a possibility but didn't really want to talk about it. 

So there you have it: They don't want to hear it. Tickle their ears and massage their egos, but don't tell them about God's justice and judgment. I think most people in churches would reject this message, because in fact they already have. (There are a few exceptions among churches, but I don't know of any in my area.)

How far America has fallen! In 1865 we had a president who humbly and publicly acknowledged the justice and judgment of God on our nation - treasure for treasure and blood for blood - but today if you speak of it in church they will hate it. Instead many talk about how God is using Donald Trump to make America great again, which is DELUSION. Or they talk about how Trump is a tyrant that Hillary and Obama and the Democrats need to save us from, which is equally DELUSION. This is all a trap and setup for conflict.

There was more to the revelation the other night. The Lord then led us to Judges 20 and 21 as well as 2 Samuel 18, both of which are about CIVIL WARS. The first describes a war between 11 tribes of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin, in which there was much bloodshed. The other describes a war between David's son Absalom and the forces loyal to King David, in which there was much bloodshed.

I interpreted this to mean the bloodshed in America will come about through civil war and internal conflict. This is a message we have received before and it is definitely coming.

Finally, we were led to Jeremiah 31, which is joyful and points to our coming deliverance.

"Then the virgin will rejoice in the dance, and the young men and the old, together, for I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow. 'I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, and My people will be satisfied with My goodness,' declares the Lord." - Jeremiah 31:13-14, NASB

There is hope through and on the other side of this. None of what I said in this article negates the love and mercy of God. There is forgiveness for all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ. There is nothing to be afraid of, not even death.

But as a nation we have forgotten the justice and judgment of God. The Lord is about to remind us that He has not forgotten.

P.S. For a second witness to this message, see "The Land Must Be Cleansed" in Diana Pulliam's blog called The Mighty Hand of God.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Trump the Instrument of Judgment

Many think that Donald Trump is taking a stand against globalism and holding back chaos and conflict in our nation. But the reality is the opposite - he is bringing chaos and conflict. 

What I believe the Lord showed me a couple years ago is that Donald Trump is like Gaal son of Ebed in the story of Abimelech in Judges 9. I recommend reading the story to understand what happened.

Gaal was sent by the Lord to divide the people of Shechem and bring about a civil war as a judgment against them for their bloodshed. America is also a nation of bloodshed - abortion and foreign wars - so the analogy is consistent. Many who followed Gaal were killed in civil conflict.

This is why I’m concerned about people thinking Trump is a white knight fighting against the dark forces of globalism (represented by Abimelech in the story). It means they will follow Trump into this conflict and so will be judged.

An often overlooked principle in the Scripture is the need to listen to the Lord and discern the times we live in:

"He [Jesus] said to the crowd: 'When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, "It’s going to rain," and it does. And when the south wind blows, you say, "It’s going to be hot," and it is. Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?'" - Luke 12:54-56, NIV

Jesus' day was time of the visitation of the Messiah. Sadly most in Israel missed it and that's why the nation was judged and destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. The consequences for failing to interpret the times can be serious.

What is happening in our time? God is judging America and Donald Trump is an instrument of His judgment. We should act and pray consistently with that reality. Don't fall into the trap of the coming civil conflict, and don’t think Trump will save us. Look only to God for protection and deliverance. Pray that people will repent and turn to the Lord.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Forest Fires

One morning this week I was reading from Ezekiel. The valley here was a bit hazy with smoke from forest fires in Idaho, Nevada and the big one around Redding, California. It's hot and dry out west. Then I read this passage:

"The word of the Lord came to me: 'Son of man, face the south and preach against it. Prophesy against the forest land in the Negev, and say to the forest there: Hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Lord God says: I am about to ignite a fire in you, and it will devour every green tree and every dry tree in you. The blazing flame will not be extinguished, and every face from the south to the north will be scorched by it. Then all people will see that I, Yahweh, have kindled it. It will not be extinguished.'" - Ezekiel 20:45-48

I believe He was saying these fires are part of his judgment on America.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Discernment and Separation in a Time of Judgment

"Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or receive any of her plagues." - Revelation 17:4, Holman

On the surface, my family and I live a pretty normal American life. We live in the suburbs and have two daughters, two bunnies and a cat. My wife organizes a book club for our daughters' friends and plays tennis on a league. I help coach soccer and enjoy training in martial arts. 

The difference is that we know it is the end of the age and Jesus is coming back very soon. We know America has come under God's judgment for its bloodshed and immorality. The final, irrevocable phase began last summer with the noontime solar eclipse, followed by three destructive hurricanes and the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Please see these posts for more details:

A Basket of Summer Fruit for the Season of the End
Hurricane Harvey Is a Judgment from the Lord, and More Is Coming

More is coming, growing waves of calamity that will culminate in the nation's destruction in World War III. There is no pleasure in saying it, but this is the reality. Particularly watch this summer because of the prophesy in Amos 8.

What gives us hope is that there will be a great harvest for the kingdom of God. The pressures of judgment will break people down, some in a good way and they will repent and believe in Jesus Christ and find the love of God. We get to be a part of this movement and that motivates us. Life is short, but eternity is forever. 

God has been shouting this message from the rooftops for years, even decades. No one will be able to say God didn't tell them, because He has.

Separating from the Mainstream Church

A few years ago when I began to understand how late the hour is, it became hard to continue sitting in church. What my wife and I heard from the Lord did not match what we heard there. We truly believed those things and the Lord confirmed them in so many ways. Our lives changed radically. I saw there were other people around the world who heard these messages too, a small and vocal remnant. Yet at church it was like the sound of crickets.

We reached out to church leaders and pastors, but they were not interested in talking about judgment. I naively thought lots of other people would hear and receive this message and we would come together around it and prepare. I even wrote an article explaining why I believed America is under judgment and sent it to most of the pastors in my area. Few responded and those that did mostly disagreed. What was the disconnect?

I remembered what Jesus said to the religious people who opposed him:

"You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, yet they testify about Me. And you are not willing to come to Me so that you may have life." - John 5:39-40, Holman

The Pharisees and Sadducees read their Bibles and went to "church," but did not recognize the Messiah standing in front of them. Their hearts were hard. Only a small minority, a remnant, received Him. Hundreds of years before Christ, prophets in Israel like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel warned about God's judgment and the need for repentance, yet only a minority received the message. The religious and political establishment rejected it and instead persecuted the prophets. They threw Jeremiah in a cistern and sawed Isaiah in half.

I realized something similar is happening in America today. Mainstream churches and Christian leaders are rejecting God's message of judgment and repentance and not telling their congregations. Only a remnant is hearing it.

I felt strongly that I could not continue to participate in this church system. It wasn't a neutral proposition to sit in a church whose leaders were not hearing and speaking God's message to America for this hour. If they are not listening to God, then who are they listening to? Jesus said His sheep hear his voice and they follow Him. There was something anesthetizing or hypnotic about being in a group of religious people who acted like everything is normal. They were put to sleep spiritually and being there might do the same to us.

We stopped attending and have our own family "church" at home. God continues to speak loudly and powerfully to us. It's not that we're perfect or special, but we are willing to hear and believe an uncomfortable message and embrace God's mission for us.

Other Spirits Coming In

As Christian churches and leaders have rejected the voice of the Holy Spirit, other spirits, unholy religious spirits, have come in to fill the void.

One of the spiritual gifts the Lord gave me is discernment. I can discern true and false based on God's word, and sometimes can discern spirits, which is telling what kinds of spirits are operating in or through a person or a place.

The Bible talks a lot about the influence of spirits on people:

"For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily." - 2 Corinthians 11:4, Berean Study Bible

The Apostle Paul warned that false spirits can come in and speak false messages and false gospels. It is possible for people to receive these spirits, instead of the Holy Spirit of God, and be influenced by their messages and desires. People become vehicles for these spirits' agendas. These unholy spirits are from Satan and part of how he deceives the world.

Christians are supposed to be alert to this reality and carefully test the spirits:

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." - 1 John 4:1, Holman

Once I was visiting a conservative Baptist church and felt a spiritual presence of confusion and joylessness so strong I wanted to run out the back door. Honestly I could hardly think straight in that place and had to pray afterwards to the darkness off of me. I have had similar experiences around religious people, even while they are talking about God! As Christians have rejected the voice of the Holy Spirit, they are being infiltrated right and left with unholy religious spirits. It is toxic and spiritually dangerous.

I need to warn you. These religious spirits will one day animate people to persecute God's true remnant. Jesus said persecution will intensify in the end times:

"You will even be betrayed by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends. They will kill some of you. You will be hated by everyone because of My name." - Luke 21:1-17, Holman

For Jesus, the greatest persecution came from the religious establishment. The Pharisees and Sadducees harassed and opposed Jesus more than anyone else, and it was the Sanhendrin, the council of priests and rabbis, who consigned Him to death. Fast forward to the future portrayed in Revelation 13. There you see the second beast, the false prophet, will force everyone to worship the image of the beast and take his mark or be killed. The second beast represents the one-world religion that will align with the Antichrist during the final years of this age. The Vatican is the center and it will include all the Christian denominations and other religions that align with it. This is the real 

meaning and ultimate intention of the popular symbol "COEXIST." In the end it will mean "assimilate or else." All real Christians they get their hands on will be put to death and everyone else will receive the mark of the beast which alters their DNA and turns them into humanoid biological robots under control of the beast system. This is what it means in 2 Thessalonians 2 where it say the man of lawlessness "sits in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God." Human bodies are the temple and the mark is seat of control for Satan and the Antichrist.

My point is that we need the Holy Spirit's discernment about who to associate with and who to avoid, because the times are becoming more dangerous. Like Jesus said, be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. God will protect us if we draw near, hear his voice and do what He says.

Separation for God's Protection

In a previous post, I wrote about an unexpected conflict with a group I was fellowshipping with. The conflict was about a woman prophesying by a false spirit that others believed was of God. After a period of expressing concerns and confronting this spirit, the Lord used a curious passage in 1 Kings 13 to let me know that I needed to break fellowship.

The story is about a man of God from Judah who traveled to the Northern Kingdom of Israel to pronounce a judgment from the Lord because of its idolatry. God told the man to go straight there, return by a different route and not to "eat bread or drink water in this place." However, an old prophet deceived him by saying an angel said the man should come back to his house to eat and drink. The man of God did, and then the old prophet prophesied for real and said that because he did not keep the Lord's command, his life would be forfeit. On the way home the man was killed by a lion.

A strange story indeed. Note that eating and drinking at the prophet's house was fellowship. The Lord impressed on me that I too needed to break fellowship or would suffer a judgment, like the man of God. I don't know what the equivalent of being killed by a lion would be for me, but I didn't want to find out.

The man of God was to sent proclaim a message during a time of judgment. God wanted him to get in, deliver the message and get out. It seems there are special requirements for separation during a time of judgment. As another example, during Korah's rebellion against Moses in Numbers 16, Moses told the people, "Get away now from the tents of these wicked men. Don't touch anything that belongs to them, or you will be swept away because of all their sins."

Looking back, there were two occasions while confronting the issue of the false spirit when I became persistently ill for weeks. I heard of others involved in the group who also experienced health problems and one a financial problem. That spirit was a curser! Fellowship was an open door for spiritual attack. Separation was God's way of protecting me, as well as pressuring the people involved in the spirit to repent:

"Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions you were taught, either by our message or by our letter... And if anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take note of that person; don’t associate with him, so that he may be ashamed. Yet don’t treat him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother." - 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 3:14-15


I believe the Lord has a handful of missions or battles He wants each of us to engage in. Discernment and separation are important tools for making sure we don't run into harm, fall into traps or expend our energy unnecessarily. Otherwise we won't have the strength for the missions that are His will for us. 

The only way to do this is to stay in a close relationship with God - praying, worshiping, studying His Word - and following His instructions only.