There are some Christians who preach against the idea of a "rapture" or miraculous rescue of the saints before the end of the Great Tribulation. Their messages goes something like this:
Don't think we're getting raptured out of the Great Tribulation. We're going all the way through! All the trumpets and bowls of wrath. Then Jesus will come at the very end. So be ready, we're all going through tribulation!
I agree the rapture is a difficult subject and people have different points of view. Personally, I am convinced the Bible describes a rapture or miraculous rescue of the saints and it will happen at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. This doesn't mean Christians will escape all persecution and tribulation. In fact, we will see the opening of the first six seals in Revelation 6. But saints who are accounted worthy will escape the worst of tribulation - God's wrath on earth during the Great Tribulation. Please see the articles listed under RESOURCES below.
The problem I see is that those who preach we must all go through the Great Tribulation tend to have a grinch-like attitude about it. It's as if the idea that God would be merciful enough to spare us from the worst tribulation is disdainful to them. How dare anyone teach mid-tribulation! There are plenty of Bible verses to support it though. It makes me wonder if their view of God's mercy will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If they don't believe Jesus is coming to rescue them, maybe He will oblige them.
I'm thinking of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. The man who hid his talent in the ground believed his master was a "hard man" who reaped where he hadn't sown. In other words, he thought God was exacting and unmerciful. In the end, he was thrown out into the darkness, while the others who were faithful received great rewards and shared in their master's joy.
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." - Hebrews 11:6, Berean Study Bible
God is a rewarder of faith and faithfulness. While I certainly want to complete the work God has for me on earth, it also makes me very hopeful and excited to think I won't have to be here during the Great Tribulation!
To those who are disdainful of God's mercy, I would say: Be careful, check yourself and don't be a rapture grinch!
The Great Rescue Is Coming - Let Us Persevere to the End!
PREVIEW: What Comes Next for Us? The Exodus out of Egypt
This Is the Rapture!
This Is the Rapture - Bible Verses
Harvest for the Kingdom, Rapture, Zombie Apocalypse and Return of the King - The Message of Daniel 9:27
The Rapture Will Happen During the Period of Judgment on America
Parable of the Virgins - The Bridegroom Comes Quickly!
Isaiah 26 - The Rapture and the Day of the Lord
Three Days of Darkness