Showing posts with label Prophetic Insights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophetic Insights. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Lord God Has Spoken to America - Part 2

[For the first half of this message, see The Lord Has Spoken to America - Part 1]

"Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality, and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her immorality." - Revelation 17:1-2

I want to start by saying there is always hope in the Lord. Even during a time of national judgment, there is hope of reconciliation with God through his son Jesus Christ. There is hope of shining brightly and leading many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. In Christ, death has lost its sting, because at the moment of passing Jesus' promise to the thief on the cross is for us too: "Today you will be with me in Paradise."

Fallen America

We have to discern the times we are living in. Noah understood he was living in the days of the Great Flood, so he built an ark to save his family and, by extension, humanity as well as the animals. Joseph understood he was living in a time of great famine, so he stored up grain to save the people of the earth. Two thousand years ago, the religious establishment in Israel, the Pharisees and Sadducees, did not understand the time of their visitation and missed the first coming of the Messiah. These examples in Scripture were written to instruct and to warn: We should understand our times and prepare for what will come. 

With our own eyes, we can see how America has fallen.

  • America has become a nation of bloodshed at home (abortion) and abroad (endless foreign wars). This has gone on for so long that many people embrace it as normal. But we should not forget what God said to Cain, the first man born on earth, after he slew his brother: "What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground."
  • The "free love" movement and sexual promiscuity of 1960s has metastasized into today's culture of ubiquitous pornography and total sexual and gender fluidity. Young adults and even children are taught sexual preference and gender identity is subject to personal whimsy and choice. How far we have strayed from God's standard established in the garden of Eden: "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."
  • Pop culture has surpassed even gratuitous sex and violence. It now portrays blatant satanic rituals onstage, such as Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" performance at the 2014 Grammy Awards. This is idolatry, Old-Testament style, in the face of God's command: "You shall have no other gods before Me." - Exodus 20:3
  • Once upon a time, America had a solid economy built on productivity, ingenuity and a dollar backed by gold. Today the national economy is a pyramid scheme fueled by endless debt, outsourced manufacturing, money printing, war and a dollar backed by nothing. Like all pyramid schemes, it is designed to transfer wealth from the many to the few at the top before it collapses. This is a sophisticated form of theft, in the face of God's command: "You shall not steal." - Exodus 20:15
I could continue. But is plain to see America has fallen from grace. In fact, the nation is in abject rebellion with God.

A casual read of the Old Testament will tell you what happens to a nation that persists in rebellion with God. God delivers it over to judgment. The nation will experience catastrophes and destruction in order that a remnant of its people might be spiritually saved. This is not God's plan A, nor plan B, but a severe last resort.

Some may think, "That can't happen here. This is America. You shouldn't be so negative."

The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Hosea and other prophets were similarly negative and admonishing, because they were written to a nation in rebellion with God, just like America. God in his mercy sent prophets to warn Israel and Judah for many decades and called them to repentance. But the people's hearts were hard and unresponsive, and the injustice had to end, so the nation was delivered over to a series of judgments and ultimately destroyed by the armies of Assyria and Babylon. This was done so a remnant might be saved, and indeed a remnant was saved. 
Has God spoken to America through prophetic voices? The answer is absolutely YESGod has spoken to America and warned for decades through many different men and women. In recent years and months the voices have reached a crescendo. The message now is that America is under judgment.

Prophetic Voices to America

Below is just a sample of people who I believe have received genuine prophetic messages for America. There are many more out there. Please take these messages to the Lord and ask him to confirm whether they are true.

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." - James 1:5


David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called by the Lord to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book that was made into a movie, The Cross and the Switchblade.

In 1973, Wilkerson received a detailed end-times vision in which he saw terrible calamities and great events coming to America and the world. A worldwide economic recession that starts in Germany and goes around the world, including America. Nature having labor pains - major earthquakes, famine, floods, hurricanes - increasing in frequency and intensity as the Day of the Lord approaches. A flood of XXX media in America that would make Playboy Magazine look puritanical. Rebellion in the home and hatred toward parents. A persecution against Spirit-filled Christians such as mankind never before witnessed. The rise of a super world church council consisting of liberal ecumenical protestants and the Roman Catholic Church that will become a political union engaging in antichrist activities. Christ's true church will go underground and grow in spiritual power and unity.

Many elements of Wilkerson's vision have come to pass, and others are unfolding in our time. Wilkerson believed this vision will be fulfilled in this generation. Click here to listen to David Wilkerson's end times vision when he first presented it in 1973.


Dumitru Dudumon was a Romanian preacher and Bible smuggle during the Communist era who was tortured in prison for his faith and later sent into exile. Though he spoke no English, God called Dudumon to America in 1984 to preach a message of judgment, repentance and forgiveness. He passed away in 1997. 

In September 1984, shortly after arriving in America, Dumitru was visited by an angel of the Lord and taken into a vision where he was shown the destruction of America in a coordinated attack by Russia and other nations. You can see a video testimony of the vision and a text version here. A subsequent vision in 1996 detailed the involvement of China, Cuba and (North?) Korea as well.

To understand how Dudumon's vision aligns with Bible prophecy, please see these articles:

Lion with Wings of an Eagle
America is Mystery Babylon
It Will Come in One Day


Nathan Leal is a minister in Northern Idaho who was called in 2005 as a watchman to report the things that are coming on America. Nathan shares prophetic dreams and insights on his website called Watchman's Cry. Here are some prophetic dreams:

America's New Pearl Harbor - A Prophetic Warning
Oil Crash Prophecy
The Eagle and The Fox! A Prophetic Dream


Ali Winters is a humble servant of the Lord feels called "to sound the alarm, alerting the sheep, awakening those that slumber." She shares prophetic words on her blog, A Watchman on the Wall. Here is an excerpt from a post dated April 11, 2016:

"The days grow dark that are coming upon My dear ones. You cannot escape the judgement. Rain falls on the just and unjust alike. I Am your anchor, your shelter amid all storms and you will not be shaken. Those who cling to Me will see the salvation of their LORD.  They will not be moved. Reach out to others in the days ahead. Reach out to establish relationships, reach out to become an anchor for those who need to know the truth from the lies... 

The walls, the walls will crumble. Spiritual wickedness in high places will be exposed. Your nation will experience much evil in the weeks and months ahead. Your eyes will brim with tears, hearts will grow faint as you see what becomes of your once grand nation. 

Times of joy, times of testing. Times of doubt, fear, hope, courage and strength. My children will experience much to challenge their resolve to follow Me in the times ahead. Darkness blankets the earth as evil spreads her net over nation after nation. The unholy will rejoice, the holy will weep and mourn. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."


Rachel Baxter is a wife and mother of four children. She felt called by God to help establish the Lord’s Mountain of Education and has a heart to see children and adults alike set into the destiny God has for them. In 2014 she founded Valor Christian Academy Omaha.That same year the Lord began to speak to her about the things that are coming upon the earth from His redemptive judgments and from the plans of the enemy. Here are some of Rachel's dream and visions:

Prepare For Battle, The Time Has Come
I Am Raising Up the Josephs
An Event Will Occur That Will Begin World War 3 and There Is No Stopping It


As a young Jewish girl, Joanie Stahl received Jesus as her Messiah and soon began receiving dreams and visions of world events. At first these gifts scared her, so she asked for them to cease. Instead, they increased and she surrendered her will to God's. Today, Joanie is a wife and mother. She believes the time has come for the “Bride to make herself ready,” which is why she now feels released to share her dreams and visions received during the past 40 years as warnings of things that will soon take place. Here are some of Joanie's dreams and visions:

God's Judgment of America Is Set in Stone
The Great Shepherd Is Urgently Calling Many People Right Now
Unexpected Dark Valleys and Magnificent Victories Coming in 2016
The Noise of Horsemen Are Near, A Violent Shaking and Disorder


For those who have eyes to see by faith, the times we live in are very clear.

I believe the time for warning is over. Judgment has begun and will soon accelerate. If our faith is in any worldly system, institution or person, it will be shattered. If our faith is in the eternal word of God and his promises to us, we will stand against the coming storm. 

Shepherds need to prepare their flocks for the storm.

"And He was also saying to the crowds, "When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, 'A shower is coming,' and so it turns out. And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, 'It will be a hot day,' and it turns out that way. You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time?" - Luke 12:54-56

Lion with Wings of an Eagle

In Daniel chapter 7, the prophet Daniel had a dream of four beasts which represent kingdoms in the end times.
"The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it." - Daniel 7:4

I believe the lion represents England - the symbol of the British monarchy has a lion wearing a crown. The eagle wings represent America. Together they represent the Anglo-American alliance that has been in place since World War II. Wings extending out of a lion also represents how America was born out of England.

However, the wings are plucked, meaning America is taken out.

The fourth beast with ten horns in Daniel's dream, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong, reappears in Revelation chapter 13 with additional descriptions:

"Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and HIS MOUTH LIKE THE MOUTH OF A LION. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority." - Revelation 13:2

England, the lion, will become incorporated into the final Beast Kingdom as revealed in Revelation.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Dream - Carried Safely All the Way to the Other Side

I seldom have prophetic dreams, but the Lord gave me an encouraging dream last August or September that I’ll share here.

First, a little personal background. As a child I lived in Gig Harbor, Washington, near the Narrows Bridge. I used to climb down the bluffs and play on the beach all the time. The bridge is large and green and stretches for a mile across the Puget Sound. The tidal currents flow swiftly through that area. 


I parked my car on the top of the bluff near the Narrows Bridge on the Gig Harbor side and intended to go for a hike alone. As I started walking along a trail, two strong-looking men joined me, one on each side. They were jovial and friendly and I didn’t mind that they were there.

Suddenly the man on my right picked me up high and said something like, "I hope you're ready for this!" Then he stepped over the edge of the bluff. I looked straight down and saw the rocks on the beach at least 100 feet below where we would land. Though I understood the fall would kill me, I immediately felt a deep, abiding peace, the kind that only comes from Jesus. I knew in my heart it was going to be okay.

As we fell, an intense wind blew us sideways much faster than we were falling vertically. In fact, the wind carried us the entire mile across the sound and set us down gently on the beach on the other side. After the man set me down on the sand, I looked around and asked, “How did you know?” As in, how did he know the wind would carry us safely across?
End of dream.


The men were angels. Whatever tribulation is coming in the days ahead, in the natural it would kill me. But I believe God will send his host (angels) to provide safe passage across, all the way to the other side. Praise God!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!'

For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways. 

They will bear you up in their hands, 
That you do not strike your foot against a stone."
- Psalm 91:1-2, 11-12 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dead Fish and Bird and Dreams of Tribulation

A few weeks ago my younger daughter (5 years) told us her betta fish was missing from the tank. We looked on the floor and it had jumped out and dried up into a curly black coil. She cried and mourned, and her mother reassured her.

Later that morning a sparrow flew into a window and was standing on the driveway looking stunned. My girls put it on the grass and gave it some leaves for comfort. Later we checked on the sparrow and it had died. It occurred to me later that God was preparing them to see death, because death is coming. I believe God will protect them supernaturally, but they will likely have to see it here in America.

My five year old doesn't normally talk about her dreams, but two weeks ago she talked briefly about a dream where volcano (lava?) overran our neighbor's house but stopped before it reached our house. Last week my older daughter (8 years) said she had an apocalyptic dream with fires everywhere and cops were shooting people.

What can I say about all of this? I hope Jesus comes soon, but I also see my daughters are being prepared to see tribulation, as my wife and I have been.

"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." - Revelation 19:10 

The Lord has proclaimed loudly to any who would listen that America has been delivered over to judgment and that Jesus is coming soon to rescue his Bride. Have you heard the message?

"Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door." - Matthew 24:32-33

Birth Pangs and Great Tribulation

In the books of Daniel and Revelation I see two periods of time that mark the end of the age: the Birth Pangs and the Great Tribulation. Birth Pangs come first and do involve tribulation, including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but not the worst of it. The Rapture occurs at the end of the Birth Pangs and the beginning of the Great Tribulation, which is the three and a half year period of the beast kingdom (New World Order) and when the wrath of God is poured out on earth. But as 1 Thessalonians says, we are not appointed to wrath.

We are in the Birth Pangs right now, as people in the Middle East already know and America is about to find out.

Here's a little secret the Lord showed me to better understand Revelation: Revelation is not a single account of the end times, but several accounts from different perspectives.

Revelation 6 through 11 is one chronological perspective:

* Chapter 6 is Birth Pangs. I believe the first five seals are already broken, the Four Horsemen are riding, and the Rapture happens after the sixth seal. Notice the signs in the heavens after the sixth seal and the response of those "left behind."
* Chapter 7 is the marking of the 144,000 and the scene in heaven of the multitudes praising God. These are the saints who were raised from the dead and/or raptured.
* Chapter 8 - the Great Tribulation begins after the seventh seal and continues through chapter 11

Revelation 12 and 13 are another perspective:

* Chapter 12 covers a broad swath of history including the Birth Pangs. The Rapture happens after Satan is thrown down from heaven: The woman is given two wings of a great eagle to fly away. 
* Chapter 13 describes the beast kingdom during the Great Tribulation

Revelation 14 through 16 are another perspective:

* Chapter 14:1-5 - The 144,000 standing with the lamb on Mount Zion. This may be a flash forward to the end of the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord.
* Chapter 14:6-20 - The harvest of salvation by Jesus and harvest of wrath by angels.
* Chapter 15 and 16 - Bowls of wrath

Revelation 17 through 20 is yet another chronological perspective:

* Chapter 17 and 18 - Judgment and destruction of Mystery Babylon (ahemm, America). Jonathan Kleck was inspired to name his radio show "This Is It... Before the Fire," because the Rapture will happen before a destruction by fire.
* Chapter 19 - Multitude in heaven and preparation of the Bride, followed by the Day of the Lord with the Bride in the ranks of the heavenly host.
* Chapter 20 - 1,000-year reign of Christ on earth from Jerusalem
* Chapter 21 and 22 - Final judgment. God creates a new heaven and new earth. The Bride, the wife of the Lamb, is the new Jerusalem. The tabernacle of God is among men.

By the way, I think Matthew 24 is also divided between Birth Pangs (verses 1-14) and Great Tribulation (verses 15-28).

Thursday, September 10, 2015

It Will Come in One Day

"Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, 'I sit enthroned as queen. I am not a widow; I will never mourn.' Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her." - Revelation 18:7-8

Revelation chapters 17-18 are about Mystery Babylon, the harlot who rides the beast. Jeremiah 50-51 are about the same entity, which it calls the daughter of Babylon, as is Isaiah 13, which it simply calls Babylon. In all of history there is only one nation that fulfills 100% of the Bible's prophetic descriptions about Mystery Babylon. That nation fits the profile like a glove. See my previous post here.

The verse quoted above in Revelation 18 really spoke to me today. "Therefore IN ONE DAY her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine." Plagues are calamities, like the plagues of Egypt during the time of Moses - blood, frogs, gnats, flies, pestilence on livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death. The Egyptian plagues came in a series of increasing severity with pauses in between to allow them to be felt and make room for Pharaoh to respond. However, Babylon's plagues will come in one day - death, mourning and famine. 

Why? Because of her hubris, overweening pride, and because she corrupted the whole world with her debauchery. "For all of the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality."  Babylon's pride is portrayed as chest-pounding patriotism and a naive delusion that things will always go well for her: "I sit enthroned as queen. I am not a widow; I will never mourn."

Famine is brought by the Black Horse in Revelation 6, whose rider carries "a pair of scales in his hand." Scales were used in the old world for commerce - to sell and to buy. In other words, they represent the economy. "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages." A quart of wheat is enough to make only a loaf or two of bread. How much money do you make in a day? $100, $200, $300? Imagine if you had to pay that much for a loaf of bread. The Black Horse brings an economic crash followed by hyperinflation, scarcity of food and resources, and famine.

Babylon's other plagues of death and mourning would eventually result from an economic crash and subsequent famine, but not in one day. This means something else is going on, perhaps a major natural disaster or attack that causes death and mourning immediately and pushes an otherwise broken economy over the brink. 

The last part of Revelation 18:8, destruction by fire, comes later as Babylon's ultimate judgment. First comes the plagues of death, mourning and famine. 

Folks, it's coming soon. Very, very soon. It's not going to be a rolling, gathering disaster like in Egypt. IT WILL COME IN ONE DAY.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

America Is Mystery Babylon

The hour is late, so I'll get right to the point. The United States of America is in Bible prophecy. She is Mystery Babylon, the harlot who rides the beast. Revelation 17-18 and Jeremiah 50-51 are not about Ancient Babylon, Rome or the Catholic Church. These passages and others in Scripture are about America.

Rick Coombes explains why America is Babylon in Bible prophecy:

Here is an article on the same topic:
25 Reasons Why America Is Mystery Babylon

Here is an interview with John Price and Steve Quayle about Mystery Babylon:

Here are Dumitru Dudumon's visions of America. Dudumon was a Romanian preacher and Bible smuggle during the Communist era who was tortured in prison for his faith and later sent into exile. Though he spoke no English, God called Dudumon to America in 1984 to preach a message of repentance and judgment:
Dudumon video testimony of vision of America's judgment
The Message for America
Mystery Babylon
China and Russia Strike

Here are the prophetic visions of Henry Gruver, known as the "international prayer walker," about America:
US Invaded by China
Prince Charles Vision
Russian Invasion of America

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Modern End Times Prophesies - Dudumon, Gruver, Leal, Kleck

For Part One of this post, see Turn on Your Spiritual Radar, Or Else.

Below are five watchmen and harbingers of the end times who, in my opinion, genuinely walk with the Lord and have very important, astonishing messages to share. Though these men have separate & distinct callings and ministries, you will notice significant overlap and convergence in their messages. That's an indicator the same Spirit speaks to them all.

As always, take the messages to the Lord for confirmation.

Dumitru Dudumon - A Romanian preacher and Bible smuggle during the Communist era who was tortured in prison for his faith and later sent into exile. Though he spoke no English, God called Dumitru to America in 1984 to preach a message of repentance and judgment. He passed away in 1997.

Dudumon video testimony of vision of America's judgment
The Message for America
Mystery Babylon
China and Russia Strike

Henry Gruver - "International prayer walker" who has ministered in more than 70 countries in the world.
US Invaded by China
Prince Charles Vision
Russian Invasion of America
Interview with Henry Gruver & Steve Quayle on Hagmann & Hagmann

Nathan Leal - Called in 2005 as a watchman of the final days of this age, Nathan has many prophetic dreams and insights to share.
Nathan Leal's website - Watchman's Cry

Jeff Byerly - see his website Holy Spirit Wind.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Turn on Your Spiritual Radar, Or Else

The #1 reason why Christians do not comprehend the times we are in is they have turned off their spiritual radar. 

Imagine you are flying an airplane on a sunny, warm day. No clouds anywhere and winds are mild. The flat ground is well below you. You take in the scenic view from the sky. Flying in this environment is a piece of cake.

Now imagine you are flying at night on a dark, stormy, moonless night. Clouds are everywhere, and wind and rain are buffeting the plane. Visibility is no better than 200 yards out. Ground elevation is rising, but you do not know it. A mountain range is approaching, but you cannot see it. There is other air traffic in the area, but you have no idea where. You're in danger because you cannot see. You don't know what's coming until it is already upon you, and then it's too late to prepare and maneuver.  

However, if your airplane had a radar system, you could see everything in spite of the darkness. You would see dangers approaching in time to respond.

God gives his people spiritual radar - it is prophecy. What is prophecy? Prophecy is direct revelation from the Lord for the purpose of exhorting, encouraging and warning people and giving insight about what is happening now and what is coming in the future. To see what prophecy looks like, read the books of Revelation, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, or the minor prophets like Joel, Zechariah, Micah and Habbakuk. Those books are compilations of prophetic revelation. The dreams and visions in the Book of Daniel are prophecy, as is God's promise to Abraham that he would bless him and make him a great nation.

Prophecy is supernatural. It comes right from the throne room of God. The Bible is full of examples of God giving direct revelation to people in the form of dreams, visions, utterances, a burning bush, a message from an angel, writing on the wall, a talking donkey - you name it! God speaks any way he chooses.

Moreover, the gift of prophecy is still in operation. People have this gift of direct revelation today, as the following verses teach clearly and plainly:

"'And it shall be in the last days,' God says, 'That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; Even on My bondslaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit and they shall prophesy.'" - Acts 2:17-18

This verse as quoted by the Apostle Peter is originally from the book of Joel. Peter was announcing its fulfillment in these last days, which is the time we are in between the first and second comings of the Messiah. Before the pouring of the Holy Spirit, prophetic revelation was uncommon and limited to designated individuals like prophets. In this age, the gift of prophesy has become common - sons and daughters, young and old, people of all walks and positions will prophesy. This doesn't mean everyone has this gift, but someone in your church or Christian community should. 

"Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy." - 1 Corinthians 14:1

While all spiritual gifts are valuable and necessary, the Apostle Paul clearly says the most important is prophecy. Why? Because it provides direct revelation from God to build up the body of Christ. 

"Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good." - 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

After Paul admonishes not to quench the work of God's Spirit, the very next instruction is not to despise prophetic utterances. I'll put it differently: If you want to quench the Spirit in your life, ignore the gift of prophecy. Of course, we should test every message and make sure it is from the Lord. True prophecy does not contradict the Bible; it clarifies and applies it. God gives us discernment to help us see which messages are really from him.

The problem is many Christians and churches have tossed out the gift of prophecy and turned off their spiritual radar. They are flying blind on a dark, stormy night. Why is this, if the Bible's teaching on this is clear? I call it groupthink unbelief. No one in their community believes in this gift, so they don't either. But God does not judge us by whether we follow the crowd. He judges by whether we follow him. Unbelief is sin. Again, this does not mean everyone should have the gift of prophecy, but we should all be listening to people who do.

The Christian walk is supposed to be supernatural. Jesus said his followers will do greater works than him. That's astonishing! I know I haven't done anything remotely that great. Perhaps we all need to stretch our faith and believe bigger.

My point here is that all Christians should understand that we are at the doorstep of the end. God has been proclaiming the times loudly through many different people, as well as through events unfolding in the world. "Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near." (Matthew 24:32) Judgment is coming upon America. Satan's one-world beast government will soon be established. Jesus is coming! God has raised up many watchmen and harbingers who are testifying and prophesying about these coming events.

In the follow up to this post, I will list some people who I believe are credible watchmen of the end times and provide links to their messages.