Showing posts with label Globalism - New World Order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Globalism - New World Order. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2017

Money Ministers and For-Profit Prophets Leading the Sheep Astray

I'm just an obscure person with a blog that Google has shadowbanned for nearly two years, so few people find it through Internet search engines. They have to be referred directly. Yet the blog receives a regular stream of visitors, so I am thankful for that.

Still, I cannot compete with the celebrity Christian ministers and personalities who have big voices and numerous followers and fans. More and more, I hear these big names hail President Trump as some kind of King Cyrus who is anointed by God to restore America and make it great again. It makes me sad and sick because I see something very different. I see these Christian celebrities using their influence to lead people leading people into deception and judgment. All I can do is my small part to push back against it.

The Trump Deception

To anyone who will listen: Please don't fall for the Trump deception. This is a big one, a doozy. It's part of the end-times "powerful delusion" that God is sending to determine who will be judged: 

"... because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness." - 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, Berean Study Bible

Why? Because the promise of Trump, and what Trump embodies personally, is a lie from Satan himself: You can have blessing, prosperity and greatness - without repentance and without walking in God's righteous ways. Sadly, America as a nation and its lukewarm churches do not walk in God's ways.

As for Trump personally, he explicitly said he never asks God for forgiveness. This is a man who does things his way, the world's way:

Trump has always been a man of the elite and used to be a liberal Democrat, until he repositioned himself as a conservative nationalist to run for president as a Republican. 

From Getty Images

But it's actually much worse than that. Circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that Trump is a high-level freemason, which means he participates in Luciferian secret societies. Nathan Leal has done an excellent job exposing this - check out The Trump Chronicles - Part Five - Trump Tower & the Invocation. In other words, Trump invokes pagan occult rituals that originate from ancient Babylon and Egypt. This is the source of his worldly success. He is backed by the Luciferian brotherhood and by principalities of darkness in the heavenly realms.

This also means Trump is a member of the New World Order elite, the group of people Satan is using to establish his beast kingdom on earth, as depicted in the Book of Revelation. Jacob van Dyke presents evidence that the NWO elite have been planning a Trump presidency for a LONG TIME:

So Trump is playing his part in the take-down of America. As I explained in Civil War Foreboding and President Trump's Fascism Is Starting to Show, his role is to stir up a spirit of conflict in America that will divide the country and provoke a form of civil war/conflict. I believe Trump is publicly identifying with Christians and the right, so that when everything implodes on his watch, Christians will be blamed and the floodgates of persecution will be opened.

Diabolically brilliant, isn't it?

Shannon Johnson "Boldsojah4Christ" portrays it all very well in this truly inspired rap song:

America's Fat Shepherds

"Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, 'Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to those shepherds, "Thus says the Lord God, 'Woe, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat sheep without feeding the flock.'"'" - Ezekiel 34:1-3

Why are so many of America's celebrity ministers and big-name Christian personalities leading people astray? First of all, be immediately suspicious of anything popular. The Scriptures say Satan is the god of this age (2 Cor. 4:4) and the whole world lies in his power (1 John 5:19). So, it is a red flag whenever the world runs after something en masse like Trump. The way of righteousness is not popular. Jesus put it this way:

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." - Matthew 7:13-14

Among the Christian ministers who are speaking against the Trump deception - Nathan Leal, Shannon Johnson, Jonathan Kleck, Mena Lee Grebin - I see a couple common characteristics. First, they are not popular. They are known but not popular and broadly praised like the big-name celebrities. Narrow is the way that leads to life.

Second, they do not sell their instruction in the word of God and prophecies for money In contrast, the celebrity ministers are always selling books, DVDs, conferences, etc. for MONEY MONEY MONEY. This is a sin so commonly practiced in the American church that few even consider it wrong. But the word of God says it is. It also carries specific consequences:

"Her leaders issue rulings for a bribe,
her priests teach for payment,
and her prophets practice divination for money.
Yet they lean on the Lord, saying, 

'Isn’t the Lord among us?
No disaster will overtake us.'

Therefore, because of you,
Zion will be plowed like a field,
Jerusalem will become ruins,
and the hill of the temple mount
will be a thicket."

- Micah 3:11-12, Holman Christian Standard Bible

Jesus Christ paid the price in full for our salvation. Salvation is a free gift. Therefore, it is an abomination to when ministers sell the message of salvation and instruction in the word of God for money, as if the ministry of the gospel is a corporate enterprise.

When ministers instruct for money and give prophecies for payment, as a consequence they will start to speak ear-tickling delusions in the name of the Lord. "Isn't the Lord among us? No disaster will overtake us." When in fact the opposite is true: God's judgment is upon the land and destruction is coming, in part BECAUSE OF the corruption of its ministers and how they are leading people astray. "Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become ruins."

This is definitely true in America. Celebrity ministers are telling people how Trump will make America great again, because they have been given over to delusion.

I am not saying it's wrong for ministers to accept donations or a church to hire a pastor and pay him a salary. But it is wrong to sell books and videos unless they are also made freely available online. It is wrong to charge at the door for conferences and speaking engagements. Again, donations are fine, but entrance fees are not.

So be careful who you listen to. Money ministers and for-profit prophets will lead you astray. Their judgment is coming:

"'Thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand My sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep. So the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore, but I will deliver My flock from their mouth, so that they will not be food for them."'" - Ezekiel 34:10

Monday, January 23, 2017

Civil War Foreboding

On the evening before the presidential inauguration, Donald Trump and his family stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial while U.S. marines sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic. The song originated during the Civil War, and Lincoln was president during the Civil War and was assassinated near the end of it.

The scene was very foreboding. I'll explain why. 

I see two strongly held beliefs in the Christian community, each backed with prophetic dreams, visions and words:

1) Trump is God’s chosen man to restore traditional America and give it a reprieve - MAJORITY VIEW.
2) Trump is not what he says he is and is part of God’s judgment on America - MINORITY VIEW

They can’t both be true. God is not the author of confusion and is not going to send two mixed, contradictory messages. One or the other is a deception. Full disclosure: I am in the second camp.

When the prophecy from Mark Taylor came out earlier last year about Trump being God's chosen man to restore America, I had recently read Jeremiah 28 about the false prophet Hananiah. He claimed God would throw off the yoke of Babylon and make Judah great again, even though God had declared judgment against the nation. The Lord impressed on my heart that I was witnessing the same kind of false prophecy today. America is under judgment for its wickedness, and God is not going to give the nation a reprieve unless it REPENTS, which I see no evidence for. On the contrary, the calamities of judgment will be the means He uses to move some hearts to repentance. Judgment is a mercy, lest even more souls fall into hell.

A couple weeks ago I was up late praying and seeking insight about the times we are in and also about Obama and Trump and their roles in it. The next morning my 9-year-old daughter came in my office and showed me Judges 9, specifically Jotham’s parable of the trees, because she felt like God wanted to show her something there. I think the Lord did have a message for her, but it was also an answer to my prayer. The Lord brought Judges 9 and the story of Abimelech to my wife and I's attention several times recently, but we never really understood the significance of it. Then it hit me that story is a prophetic metaphor for America. Since Abimelech and the men of Shechem committed murder and wickedness, God allowed a spirit of conflict to arise that would divide the nation and provoke a form of civil war -- as a divine judgment.

Barack Obama is represented by King Abimelech. Another character arises named Gaal son of Ebed, who stirs up the men of Shechem against Abimelech, and who I believe represents Donald Trump:

"Now Gaal the son of Ebed came with his relatives, and crossed over into Shechem; and the men of Shechem put their trust in him." - Judges 9:26

There was much bloodshed and many died in the ensuing battles, which again was God's intended judgment for their wickedness. In the end Abimelech gets a fatal head wound from a millstone dropped on him. This is very interesting in light of this description of the beast in Revelation 13:

“I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.” – Revelation 13:3

Like Gaal, the purpose of Trump is to stir up half the country, and especially the Christians, against the other half who follow Obama and his agenda. I believe a civil conflict/war is coming. Trump is probably going to be a scapegoat for the economic collapse, jihad attacks, etc., and that blame will be transferred onto the far right and especially onto Christians, which is exactly what Obama wants and could set him up for a return to power.

MANY people believe martial law coming to this nation at some point. Let me make a speculation: It won't be Obama who instigates martial law, but it will be Donald Trump in response to some catastrophe like a jihad attack. 90% of Christians will love it and want it and cheer for it because it's Trump. Except in the end it will be turned against them.

That same morning my daughter also flipped open to a page in her Bible that she thought was significant too. There was an illustration that showed the writing on the wall for Belshazzar in Daniel 5. That really spoke to me because twice already I felt the Lord impress on me that Trump will meet an untimely demise:

“Now this is the inscription that was written out: ‘MENĒ, MENĒ, TEKĒL, UPHARSIN.’ This is the interpretation of the message: ‘MENĒ’—God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it. ‘TEKĒL’—you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient. ‘PERĒS’—your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians… That same night Belshazzar the Chaldean king was slain.” – Daniel 5:25-28,30

Last week before the inauguration we asked the Lord directly whether Obama will stay in office. Because I did not think Trump would actually reach the White House in light of who Obama is and his agenda. [NOTE: It is really challenging to interpret prophecy. I find the Lord will give some specifics about WHAT is coming but does not say much about HOW and WHEN. Sometimes I make assumptions and get emotionally attached to particular interpretations that may not turn out accurate. We have to keep seeking him and walking by faith!]

The first word He brought up was "circumference." Interesting because I had recently taught my daughter how to measure the circumference of a circle. You start at one point, go all the way around and end where you began. In other words, you go full circle and back to where you started. The question was whether Obama will stay in office, and the answer was something like "full circle."

Other words that came up were "claim" (to presidency or reins of power?) and "clash" (over competing claims to power?). Sounds like the story of Abimelech.

Before that my daughter saw something significant from our back window. She watched a large bird of prey, which she later identified as a golden eagle, holding a snake. Golden eagles are rare around here, but I have seen them before in the winter. A second golden eagle tried to take the snake and a struggle ensued. In the end, the eagle who first held the snake flew away with it triumphantly.

One more note. My interpretation of other words we received (shadow, dissimulate, distract) was that Obama still holds reins of power by controlling a shadow government. He and the globalists have spent the last 8 years installing their players in the CIA, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, FBI, etc. In fact, this country has been controlled by elites - the shadow government, the military-industrial complex, the deep state, whatever you want to call it - for decades. The last president that directly challenged the shadow government was John F. Kennedy when he denied the CIA's demand for air cover during the Bay of Pigs invasion, which would have led to re-invading Cuba and potentially war with the Soviet Union. Kennedy said no and then tried to tear apart the CIA. Everyone knows what happened to Kennedy in the end. The CIA, Lyndon Johnson and other members of government were behind it. It was a coup d'etat.

My point is don't be fooled into thinking Trump controls the executive branch of government. No president does fully anymore. But particularly now, the shadow government is running the globalists' New World Order agenda. Obama may have left office, but he still has power.

My warning to everyone is don't get caught up in the coming conflict. Be careful who you follow. It should only be Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Aliens Are NOT Your Friends! Jesus Is Your Friend.

Below is a warning I sent to people close to me a while ago and decided to release publicly. You can read a similar, more detailed warning from Linda Clay on her blog as well:

I wanted to let you know about Project Blue Beam because it is coming, possibly this year. Project Blue Beam will be the most spectacular deception in the history of mankind. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:23:

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect."

From everything I see and hear, this deception that will usher in the New World Order and reign of the antichrist will be an alien invasion. The aliens will present themselves as saviors of mankind, hence, false Christs. They may appear to save us from a giant asteroid about to hit the earth, or "good aliens" may fend off an attack by "bad aliens." Whatever the story line, the aliens will look like saviors.

But aliens are not who they say they are. They are fallen angels and the offspring and genetic creations/abominations of fallen angels. They don't originate in faraway galaxies and are not the progenitors of mankind. They are extra-dimensional entities "who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode," as it states in the Book of Jude.

The following video from Nicholson 1968 is worth watching. The first half of the video shows holographic entertainment images that give you a taste of what we're in for, and the second half describes Project Blue Beam:

Project Blue Beam will employ satellite-based holographic projectors and EMF (electromagnetic frequency) sound emitters to create a realistic, 3-D show in the sky all around the earth. Stratospheric aerosol spraying (a.k.a. chemtrails) have filled the earth's atmosphere with metal nanoparticles that form a convenient screen for holographic images. EMF sound emitters directly stimulate audio nerves in your head, bypassing the ear, enabling sound to be projected over much wider areas and through walls. Yes, they can make voices appear in your head. From what I understand, this technology was tested in the first Gulf War. The US military projected a voice speaking Arabic to tell a group of Saddam Hussein's military officers to come out of a bunker, and they did.

What will the show entail? How about an alien invasion with huge UFOs parked in the sky all around the world. Real UFOs could appear as well, interacting with earthlings and lending credibility to the whole deception. Another possibility is a fake Rapture to make Christians think they were "left behind." Or a fake Jesus appearing in the sky to say that he sent the aliens to help us. How insidious!

But now you know what is coming, so don't be fooled. Remember John 10:27: "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." In our hearts and our spirits, we inherently, intuitively and implicitly know the Lord's voice, and we discern which voices are not his. Here is a wonderful illustration of how sheep hear and respond to their shepherd's voice: